Common SEO Mistakes in Ecommerce

There are several key mistakes that are repeated by online sellers, often because they do not invest the necessary time in optimizing their sites for search engines.

  1. First of all, sellers fail to keep audience at the center of keyword research. Rather than thinking about the exact phrases used by target customers, sellers focus on keywords that are based around the products and include industry jargon. For this reason, it is important to thoroughly research your target audience, and develop a list of relevant, long-tail keywords to get found in the search.
  2. Secondly, sellers make the mistake of spamming their own content. Not only does keyword stuffing lower your ranking in Google’s algorithm, it also greatly decreases user experience.
  3. Next, creating too much duplicate content is a common SEO mistake in ecommerce. Unique information is a priority in the Google algorithm, so you should avoid using manufacturer’s product descriptions and boilerplates across your site.
  4. Additionally, lack of product reviews could be a reason for low ranking in search results. Customers often rely on previous reviews, since it adds honest credibility to your site and products. You should encourage customers to leave reviews after purchasing your product by providing excellent customer service, fast shipping, quality products, and a handwritten thank you note in the package. Make sure to follow up with customers afterwards to make sure the product met or exceeded their expectations.
  5. Lastly, online sellers often forget to optimize URLs! Use keywords in URLs to help search engines understand the content of your page, and to help users understand how your site is unique from other sites.

By avoiding the mistakes listed above and investing a significant amount of time in creating quality content that reaches customers through search engines, you will improve the credibility and value of your site for online shoppers!


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2 Responses

  1. abhillebrand says:

    This is really beneficial information! Keeping your audience at the center of keyword research is so important in developing keywords that will actually be relevant to what the users are looking for based on their needs.

  2. macarthurfe21 says:

    The layout of this blog post was professional and engaging. The content laid out was also very informational and helpful.

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