6     analyzing competition:

“Know thine enemy and know thyself and you shall not fear the outcome of one hundred battles” -Sun Tzu the art of war. 

No, seriously.  Understanding your competition is half of how SEO works, because the entire point is for your site to have the best SERP position possible, you will always have to outplay some other sites. Therefore, scouting out keywords and content that competing sites would use is very useful for setting up your own optimized pages and content. Here are some things that you can learn from researching your competition

-finding content and keywords you are missing.

-discovering the weaknesses of their sites. 

-develop superior titles, descriptions and other tags.

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2 Responses

  1. gardnerer23 says:

    I like how you highlighted the importance of researching competition in order to optimize your site for SEO, since I think this is an area many content creators invest little time in! We can definitely learn from the mistakes of our competitors.

  2. Drew_Blank21 says:

    Hi there, I like this post because it shows how important it is to really know what ways you can out compete the people in your market going for the same thing. I think that overall key thing is knowing their weaknesses and capitalizing on that.

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