Who Needs SEO?

The Top 5 Industries That Depend on SEO

Do all companies need to utilize SEO? Or can I get by without optimizing my website? The short answer to this questions is yes. In our digital environment, it is highly encouraged to use SEO in order to stay competitive. However, there are some industries in which it is especially crucial.

Home Service Companies

According to BrandLume, home service companies need to utilize SEO in their marketing strategy. Often, these companies are smaller, family-owned companies that need to attract customers in their general location. SEO helps these companies to get higher in the local SERP especially if the browser utilizes location services.

Medical Providers

Forbes shares that SEO helps medical providers not only improve their rankings on the SERP, but also generates high quality traffic. Additionally, many consumers first encounter doctors through a quick web search when they run into a problem. For example, if you broke your ankle, you may search online for a solution first before driving to the nearest emergency room. You may even search online to find the closest hospital.

Professional Services

Professionals, such as lawyers, financial planners, and accountants, generally depend heavily on referrals or word of mouth marketing. SEO gives them a competitive edge over similar brands who do not have a strong online presence. Consumers may turn to the web to investigate word of mouth referrals that they receive. Optimizing your website helps to build this credibility.

Real Estate

Real estate is another industry that relies upon word of mouth and referrals in a local area. According to SemRush, 99% of buyers between age 23 and 56 use web search as part of their home purchasing process. SEO allows real estate agents to reach their customers in the initial stages of buying and develop relationships with them quickly.

Landscaping Services

Like many other local services, it is crucial for landscaping companies to utilize SEO. Landscaping involves a number of different activities such as lawn mowing, planting, and restructuring yards. Some landscaping services do it all, while others specialize in a particular activity. SEO lets the consumers know exactly what landscaping providers are capable of and competent in before they make a purchase. It connects the landscapers with the right consumers who are in need of their services.

E-Commerce Businesses

If it wasn’t evident from the name itself, e-commerce businesses are run totally online. If any industry, e-commerce is certainly in need of SEO. Customers rarely discover e-commerce businesses outside of the internet. While social media, a clean website, and online reviews play a role, SEO is critical to the success of an e-commerce business. This applies to the listings on an e-commerce site, web pages, blog posts and more.

All Businesses Need SEO

While SEO is becoming increasingly more important for the success of many different types of businesses, these are the top five industries that depend upon a good optimization strategy. Whether or not your business falls into one of these industries, I would highly recommend optimizing your site by locating relevant keywords and reworking your content to set your business apart.

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2 Responses

  1. Lauren Creely says:

    Nice post! I really liked the different topics within it, especially the fact that lawn care services need to utilize SEO when it comes to obtaining customers. Pictures would really help here too, and I know that is how we look at where to put our trust in when selecting a new company.

  2. Drew_Blank21 says:

    Hi there, thank you for posting your knowledge whcih companies rely on SEO. I believe that all companies should rely on it because it will give them a better edge in the whatever market they are in but I totally agree with you that the companies you illustrated need to have SEO especially in there marketing efforts

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