How to Develop an Internet Persona

First off, what is an internet persona?

An internet persona is an example of one of the target users or customers that will be looking at or using your website. But there is a purpose behind why we do it, and it contributes to great success in search engine optimization.

Why do we come up with personas?

The goal behind creating these personas is to understand the types of people that would connect with your website. Ones to consider might be customers, explorers, business stockholders, topical stockholders, industry experts, key influencers, people who reshare content, and buyers of products/services.

How do we develop our target user?

The first step is to understand the topic of your site. Address the problem that you want to solve with your website, whether it is product related, blog related, or educational information. Then think about the types of people that would use your site. For example, if you were making a website that sold soccer balls, soccer players or athletes might use your site.

Brainstorm a quick list of prospective users, and for each one, ask these questions:

  • What are their internet habits like?
  • Where do they spend time online?
  • Where do they reveal what they think about ideas related to your products and services?
  • What motivates them to think about connecting with a company like yours?
  • What is their primary pain?
  • How do they talk about solving their pain?
  • Is there any industry language or jargon that they use?
  • Are there any brand and geographical modifiers?

As you answer these questions, really transform yourself into the user and put yourself in their shoes.

How do I apply this to my website?

Mapping your personas out can transform how they think and act into specific keywords and phrases that you can use to target them to your site. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What sites do they visit?
  • What topics do they pursue?
  • What videos do they watch?
  • What keywords do they use?

Internet personas help with search engine optimization by teaching creators what their searchers want and need, and how to give it to them.

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