How to Reach Keyword Search Success

It is hard to know what keywords and phrases will improve the amount of traffic on your site, especially if there is lots of competition about your topic. Here are some steps and tips to help alleviate some of that confusion.

Utilize online tools to help with research.

Research is imperative to search engine optimization, because the creator has to cater all of the content to their target users. There are online platforms and resources that can help open the door for some keyword and phrase ideas. Free trials with these resources prove to be very helpful with reframing your thought process about your site. Some recommended resources are:

  • Google Keyword Planner
  • SEMrush
  • Yoast

Be aware of unrealistic tendancies.

Remember that high volume searches for a specific keyword or phrase doesn’t always mean a high rate of success. Low volume searches that also have low competition can lead to immense success. Below are some of the advantages and disadvantages to low volume and high volume searches:

Low volume

  • Are often more specific and niche-oriented. While they may not generate as much traffic individually, they can attract highly targeted visitors who are more likely to convert.
  • There is less competition.
  • Allows you to establish authority over a topic, which can create user loyalty.
  • This can lead to difficulty with getting traffic if the terms are too specific.
  • Might make it difficult to have steady streams of visitors to your site.

High volume

  • There is a greater chance of being able to grow your site, as you will more likely have steady streams of users visiting.
  • By being ranked highly in a competitive environment, you develop more authority and credibility in your industry.
  • It is very competitive, so ranking highly on popular topics takes a lot of effort, time, and work, which may not lead to success.
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