Simple Solutions to Everyday Website Issues

Regarding SEO, even the smallest of errors or mistakes can impact the quality of your site and its ranking status. Sometimes it is hard to know how to fix and improve a website when you don’t understand what is causing the problem. In this guide, we’ll cover some of the more prevelent SEO mistakes being made and how to combat them to give your website the best chance at success.

Problem 1: Missing Meta Tags

Meta titles and descriptions help the search engine know about the content that you are putting on your pages. The key is to use meta tags for every page that apply effective and related keywords to increase the relevance to the user.

Problem 2: Unoptimized Images

While images help visually make your site engaging, unoptimized images can significantly slow down the loading times. To solve this issue, make sure that all the formats for any visual aspects are JPEGs, PNGs, or SVGs.

Problem 3: Broken Links

Broken links disrupt the user experience and can damage the credibility of a site. To combat this, regulate, moniter, and update your internal and external links to make sure they aren’t disrupted in any way.

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2 Responses

  1. dimalantajc20 says:

    This is a great and needed post, it is good to highlight how important it is to double check your work and not make mistakes, especially when it comes to your ranking status.

  2. duzx20 says:

    Unoptimized images can indeed hinder website performance and user experience, especially in terms of loading times. Opting for appropriate image formats and compressing images without compromising quality are essential steps to mitigate this issue.

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