Easter SEO: The Easter eggs we found for you

The top four SEO strategies to make your content stand out this Easter

SEO is always important for your site’s success. It is important to keep refining your content to reach users no matter the date. However, during holiday seasons there are specific ways to utilize the holidays to keep your site at the top of the SERP when a lot of your market is searching. So how can you utilize SEO this Easter? Let’s dive in and find out.

Easter Themed Products

According to Brandaro, one easy way to market during the holidays is to come out with a holiday product. This could be as simple as adding a new design of an existing product to your inventory. Adding a new product gets your customers excited about your brand and alerts them that your company is active in building the brand.

Easter Giveaways

Another holiday marketing hack that will generate a lot of traffic is running a giveaway during the Easter season. This keeps customers engaged with a brand and will increase spending on your companies products because a deal is in place. Additionally, there is potential for a lot of word of mouth marketing if customers are required to post the brand on their story to enter the giveaway or tag another social media user.

Easter SEO Keywords

Utilizing Easter keywords strategically can also drive traffic to your site. For instance, Keysearch shares a number of words that are most commonly searched during the Easter season. Some of the top keywords include “happy easter,” “easter egg” and “easter sunday.” If your content aligns with these keywords, don’t miss out on the chance to take advantage of using them in your site’s blog posts or webpages.

Easter Emails

A final Easter SEO strategy is utilizing your email list for the holiday. Most companies send out an Easter email to announce limited edition products or giveaways. This is a crucial way to build brand reputation and rapport with customers. Additionally, it can also boost social media engagement. You can find a number of catchy Easter subject lines at Dotdigital.com.

Hopefully, can utilize one or more of these strategies this Easter season. By creating Easter products and giveaways, and utilizing Easter keywords and emails, your site will be sure to stand out from competitors.

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2 Responses

  1. Riehljb21 says:

    the idea of themed marketing and content is very funny and could be very effective if used properly. nice!

  2. RApetschke says:

    I like how you talked about holiday-themed content, but your title was a bit misleading. I though I was about to read an article about easter eggs left behind by the search engine developers

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