The 2024 Solar Eclipse Eclipsed Google

The 2024 solar eclipse has been occupying news headlines in the past few months. Many Americans are thrilled with the possibility of being able to witness such a fantastic occurrence on April 8th. This excitement can be quantified by diving into the Google search trends in the months leading up the solar eclipse. Here are some interesting highlights that we found for you.


The top numbers of searches regarding the solar eclipse came from Vermont, Arkansas, New Mexico, and Indiana. With the exception of New Mexico, these states are in line with the eclipse’s path of totality according to CBS News. This traffic is likely coming from people looking to see if their property aligns with the path of totality or if they are within travelling distance to view the eclipse.

Solar Glasses Queries

Many individuals have been searching where to find protective glasses for viewing the eclipse. Interest in this search term spiked during the week of March 24-30 and continues to grow in the month of April. According to NASA’s website, viewing the eclipse without protective glasses could cause severe damage to your eyes.

Common Questions

Many common searches are simply about the eclipse itself and not the logistics of getting somewhere to watch it. Because it is rare to be able to view a solar eclipse, many people do not have an understanding of how eclipses work. Therefore, many have turned to Google for answers. A common question is: “How long will the eclipse last?” Another is: “Can you drive during the solar eclipse?”

However, these questions are largely “eclipsed” by the constant questions about what time the eclipse starts in different regions of the US. Because there is a specific path of totality, the eclipse starts at different times in each part of its path. For instance, in Columbus, OH, the eclipse starts enters totality around 3 p.m. Whereas, in Arkansas, the eclipse totality is at 1:51 p.m.

Google and the Eclipse

Regardless of the search term you use, Google is a helpful tool for determining how to be able to view the 2024 solar eclipse. In the past people would not have been able to find the exact timing of the eclipse and places to view it so easily.

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5 Responses

  1. Lauren Creely says:

    Love the post! Also, I love the content of the post as it falls in line perfectly with what many of our plans are today. The SEO of the post is also good with the many links in promoting the user to click on NASA’s website for example. Google is the main way of getting information and I think this post highlights that perfectly.

  2. GleasonMK21 says:

    This is an awesome post, it exercises your knowledge of how to perform SEO research to find something that a lot of people are interested in right now. I like how the SEO of the post is good as well as you are providing many links and connecting to external sites.

  3. higginsmr20 says:

    This was a really cool post. Be able to use current situations to create original content is huge.

  4. mlwiley says:

    Good post and very relevant! A lot of people are interested in this topic so it was a very great way to get peoples attention! You used a lot of relevant keywords and they weren’t forced. They were relevant and naturally placed. I like the point you made about Google because it is how we receive information like you mentioned.

  5. Riehljb21 says:

    Posts that connect with current events is not only an interesting topic, but also a very cool marketing and SEO strategy, where people searching that event may find your post within their searches about that event.

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