Finding the Right Keywords

Keywords play an important role in getting people to your website. People use keywords to search for specific websites, articles, etc. on the internet and you need to use them consistently across your content so that people will be able to find it. When searching for which keywords to use, some may think to use keywords with millions of searches. The problem with that is that many other internet sources may be using that same keyword. You want to use specific keywords. They may not have as many clicks as other keywords but that means you have a higher chance of “owning” that keyword and being the top ranker when people search for it.

For example, I am developing a website surrounding my friend’s Christian comic book-selling website, Encounter Comics. His debut book series is a Christian manga called BeLOVED: The Champion of God. My first instinct was to use keywords such as “manga”, “comics”, and encounter comics. While his current website ranks relatively high under the keyword “encounter comics,” keywords such as “manga” and “comics” are generic and would just make the website get lost in the ocean of millions of pages about comics and manga. While I plan on using these keywords, I intend to use more specific keywords that don’t have as many searches but I could capitalize on such as “Christian manga” and “Christian comic website.”

I see that capitalizing on specific keywords can help your content become more easily discoverable. Don’t be discouraged by the 10s or 100s of clicks, it has the opportunity to grow over time.

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2 Responses

  1. Lauren Creely says:

    I really like the personal story usecase in this post. This is a great method for finding the right keywords that match your area of expertise, geographical location, and general interest field.

  2. Drew_Blank21 says:

    Hi there, I think that keywords are super important for the development of someone’s sight as well as their content. I think that the better the keywords then the more traffic you are going to generate to your site. Thank you for your post.

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