Onsite and Offsite SEO

In the realm of SEO, there are 2 main types of SEO that you can use to draw audiences to your website.

Onsite Optimization

Onsite optimization includes elements over which you have lots of control directly over the pages you wish to optimize such as the website’s crawlability (flash, protected content, iframes, etc.) and usability. People expect trustworthy websites to be fast at processing through any of their devices and secure that they wouldn’t hack or do anything harmful to their devices or information. Continue to develop rich content for your website (i.e. text and rich media/rich snippets targeting intent) to keep your website up-to-date and interesting.

Social Media Signals – This refers to a webpage’s collective shares, likes, and overall social media visibility, likes, and shares as perceived by search engines. These contribute to a page’s organic search ranking and are seen as another form of citation, similar to backlinks.
Meta Tags & Alt tags – This is so people know what your pages and pictures are about.
Headings (h1, h2, etc.) – These add structure to your site so that people won’t get lost in the content.
URL Structure – Give your site a URL that’s easy to type and use as a link.
Google site map

Offsite Optimization

Offsite optimization includes elements that are outside of your optimized pages and over which you have varying degrees of influence. These include links to your website, content that you write on other sites, and content that others write about you.

Reviews – These can include reviews regarding your products or the topic surrounding them or reviews of your site. Positive reviews of your site may lead people to become interested in viewing it but it also leaves the door open to negative reviews which you can at least use to improve your website.
Articles – Articles are probably the most simplistic way to get people to your website (i.e. “You can find out more at…”). Many articles link their profile, website, company, etc. at the end of their article.
Anchor text
Active Social Media – Millions of people use social media. It is a way for your website to have a presence on the internet and can be used as a bridge to your content and website.
Recommend Content – If people have a positive experience with your site, they’ll likely tell others about it.
Connect with Influencers – Influencers are booming in this day and age. They can sway thousands to millions of people to view something surrounding 1 person’s interest or sponsorship. Example: Dwayne Johnson telling his followers about Temu.

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