Creating a Custom 404 Error Page

A 404 error page is the result of a user requesting a page from an address that does not exist. When this happens, the server returns a 404 HTTP status code. Because status codes are typically invisible to users, servers also show an HTML page with an error message.

Often, the error pages are bland and boring. They can also be very plain and ugly, driving the user to exit the page. They also do not help the user navigate to the site they are trying to reach. Because default server error pages have a bad user experience, it can be helpful for a business to design its own 404 error page that is user friendly. Additionally, they can help assist users in helping them find where they are trying to go.

A custom error page can explain the error and give the user options to get to the site they want to reach. Custom 404 error pages are valuable. A custom error page can still lead the user to your site if the URL they type is similar to your site’s. This can make a major typo a minor problem that can be explained to the user.

If users reach a dead end on a default error page, they leave the site and search for something else. But a custom 404 error page brings then to your site and puts them on a path where they can reach your site and keep them there. Such pages display an error message, but they include internal site search and links to pages that link directly to your site. They also make the error message look more put together, making your site more pleasing and user friendly.

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