Creating an Experience on a 404 Error page.

A 404 error page may be an inconvenience for the customer, but that doesn’t mean a site can’t use it for their benefit. A site can maximize the users experience, and their 404 error page by creating it to be unique and relevant.

Every brand/site has a personality. Showing your site’s personality on a error page is a necessity for not losing the customers interest for you. Using jokes about your site’s industry and a funny way to make the user’s experience slightly better.

Another crucial step, is to provide the user with a path that you want them to follow. If your site has another page relevant to the topic, provide the link. Even if your site does not have another page, you can enhance the user’s experience by providing a link to another site that is relevant.

A 404 error page is annoying to everyone, but it shouldn’t mean the end of the road for the user. Providing ways for the user to stay engaged and have other resources to view is a necessity.

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One Response

  1. mlwiley says:

    I agree! Custom 404 error pages can benefit a website in many ways! It allows for a user friendly experience if the URL is typed wrong and allows the user to be redirected to the site that they are trying to reach. The custom pages keep the user on track and do so in a creative way.

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