Customizing Your 404 Error Page

During anyone’s time on the internet, they are likely to come across a 404 error page. These types of pages can come up because of an intentionally or unintentionally deleted or renamed page, the URL was mistyped, or an error in the inbound link taking you to a page that never existed. These pages let you know that the requested page/resource could not be found now but may be available again in the future. However, a big problem with these pages is that many times they are cold, bland, techy, and standard with their presented message and appearance.

It is understandable why many appear that way. There is not much content on these types of pages so there’s nothing to interact with. Also, when people notice they haven’t found the page they were looking for, they are likely to get off that page as quickly as they entered. This is why it is recommended websites create their own custom error pages. Custom 404 error pages demonstrate your friendliness and openness to site users, give them options for finding the right page, and show a level of concern for lost users.

To make a good 404 error page use the right conversational tone, maybe make it funny depending on the site, and find ways of directing people to popular, relevant content. Custom 404 error pages help build trust and capture the spirit of your website. While not exactly a 404 page, Google has a good example of custom content on an error page with its no connection page. If you are not connected to the internet and try to access Google, Google will take you to a page that gives to you straight that there is no internet connection, gives options for finding the problem, and has an interactive mini-internet game with a dinosaur jumping over objects. This page easily addresses the problem clearly, gives options, and is interactive.

To help you make a custom 404 page, use WordPress plugins like Custom 404 Pro.

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2 Responses

  1. jkbauer says:

    Nice job! I like your thorough explanation. Consider adding some sub-headings to make the content more digestible for the reader.

  2. welshjp20 says:

    Seems like a good post, though a bit underwhelming in length. You could extend it a bit with the use of images that display your ideas. All in all, the content is accurate and helpful, and easily palatable to boot.

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