Developing Content

Content is king in SEO. It helps establish the relevance of a page and qualify a site for both pay-per-click and organic results. When you develop content, it needs to be content that is relevant to users first. Be sure not to overuse keywords that are relevant to the user but naturally place them throughout the content. No one wants to read content that reads like spam. Relevant content will help you get better positioning. If you are unsure what content to create for your users, research your competitors, what content they create, and how they make it.

Below are some ideas for website content:

Analysis, Calculations, and Comparison Tools – People need legitimate data, and they are likely to be more intrigued when you show it visually. Be sure to tell your audience how and where you got the data.

Articles and Writing – Make sure that they are authoritative, conclusive, direct, and pragmatic towards your audience.

Animation, Diagrams, and Other Visual Content – Visuals stick with people.

  1. Custom Charts
  2. Custom Infographics
  3. Original Images

Interactive Elements – people like content that allows them to be involved such as:

  1. Polls
  2. Quizzes
  3. Surveys

Original Video and Audio Content – Both are arguably more popular content than written articles and blogs because many people are more attentive to when they can watch and listen to the content. When developing this type of content, make sure it is intriguing to your target audience. Make videos that are either entertaining, funny, sensational, useful, or tap into emerging trends

  1. Editorial
  2. Instructional/Educational
  3. Interviews
  4. Long Form Videos
  5. Podcasts
  6. Reels
  7. Shorts

Building content on your website will help you rank higher and make your site more lively and engaging for users.

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One Response

  1. welshjp20 says:

    Definitely accurate to everything Sweet has said in class! All of this is very valid for building content with SEO. I think incorporating some form of graphics on this blog post would really make it pop and could drive home the point even further.

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