SEO Summer Hacks: 3 Ways to Heat Up Your Posts

Summer SEO is not a widely discussed topic. Many websites utilize seasonal SEO strategies to generate more traffic to their sites. So, with summer quickly approaching, what are some good strategies to implement to reach your target market?

Strategy #1: Summer Content

Many people anxiously await the summer months because it allows them to spend more time in the sun. Additionally, there are a number of fun activities available in the summer such as swimming, hiking, summer camps, water parks, amusement parks etc. Any company can capitalize on this by creating fun summer content. A few ideas could include: a day in the life of an employee, creating summer editions of your product, or showing how your product or service can be used in the summer. emphasizes that summer is “prime time for grilling. Grill companies can capitalize on this trend and show how their products can enhance your summer experience.

Strategy #2: Summer Sales

It is almost industry standard for businesses to have holiday sales especially around Christmas time. But many companies could likewise benefit from having summer sales as well. Coschedule writes that the 4th of July is an excellent time to host a summer sale. Firework and hot dog companies need not be the only companies celebrating this event. This is an excellent way for customers to get to know a company’s personality as well through their excitement surrounding holidays. Summer sales are very important to aid in summer SEO and create more brand engagement.

Strategy #3: Summer Events

The warm weather opens up a number of opportunities for company’s to host summer events. These events can promote engagement on social media if company’s invite others to post about their events. Additionally, this is an excellent way to build up rapport with customers and to get people excited about the brand. If your company is not equipped to host its own event, consider participating in local fairs to advertise and sell samples of your products. Summer is an excellent time to build awareness.

These are just a few summer SEO tips to help your business grow. Consider leveraging the warm weather, holidays, and all around good summer energy to build rapport with your customers.

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2 Responses

  1. GleasonMK21 says:

    I like your blog post. Adds a nice twist as we are moving into the summer and will really help engage the online community on your websites.

  2. higginsmr20 says:

    This post was very creative. Seasonal content can be very beneficial!

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