Something to help your searches get much better traffic

Knowing that there are billions of people in this world that use the internet; we want to find out how we as marketers, entrepreneurs, and business men and women can really get even a percentage of that population to look at our pages. But how do we do it? 1. Choose the right google business proifle category. 2. Enter the correct nameof your business, but be aware that you might benefit from a keyword even in your name. These two methods can be instrumental in helping drive the right traffic to your page or whatever you may be providing. The last two that I would like to mention are knowing your proximity of your address to the point of search and reporting spammy results. Having these key ideas in mind will help you with presenting a website that is the helpful to the world and profitable for you!

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3 Responses

  1. macarthurfe21 says:

    This article helped me to understand how my business can stand out regarding SEO. I am hoping I can implement these and get the right traffic to my page!

  2. higginsmr20 says:

    This was a really interesting post. I think these tips are things everyone can benefit from

  3. owenld20 says:

    Absolutely, focusing on optimizing Google Business profiles and strategic naming can really help in capturing more traffic effectively!

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