Common Myths of SEO (Part 2)

Below, I have listed several more pieces of important information about search engine optimization, in an attempt to correct common misunderstandings about SEO.

First of all, Google does not always penalize duplicate content. Duplicate content includes any content that is the same, or nearly the same, as another page of content. For example, this could include multiple pages on different sites, or multiple pages on the same site. As long as the duplication of content is not intended to deceive search engines, Google has announced that they will not decrease the site’s ranking score. However, you should be cautious with posting duplicate content regardless, since it could make it difficult for Google to determine which is the “main” one.

Next, long-form content doesn’t always perform better. The Google algorithm does not base ranking solely on length. Rather, it determines whether or not a site has covered the topic comprehensively in a way that matches search intent. For this reason, both short-form and long-form content should be used throughout your site. Additionally, content appears more high-quality when it includes: effective title, logical headings/subheadings, accurate information, naturally-incorporated keywords, and a scannable structure with images, bullet points, lists, and white space.

Thirdly, more content is not always better. Google looks at the quality, not just the quantity, of content produced.

Additionally, meta description does not impact ranking in search results. The meta description, a code snippet that provides a brief explanation of the page’s content, is useful but is not a ranking factor. However, you should make sure the meta description is less than 105 characters, includes your target keyword, and includes a call to action for users.


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One Response

  1. lengacherka2102 says:

    I like how you bolded phrases to emphasize them. Your descriptions were also very thorough and explained things well.

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