Breaking News!! – Newsjacking

That caught your attention, didn’t it?

Yeah, you bet it did. And that is exactly the premise of news jacking. Now I know what you might be thinking. Whoa whoa whoa? Clickbait?? No!

That is the whole point of this post. What is news jacking? A lot of companies interpret news jacking as simply taking some headlines, finding the related post, adding nothing to the story and then just hitting the repost button. Ultimately they might have a few clicks — but the instance those clicks find a more reliable source to get the same exact information, they will abandon that source and leave them on the infinite Ferris wheel of doom. On this Ferris wheel, new clicks get on, ride for a little bit, and then get off very quickly.

The best way to newsjack is to get hold of very relevant news and then bring value. What can you for to add value to an already exciting post? How can you inject your own thoughts and your own take into this post to differentiate yourself?

As seen with this post, headlines work well. That is why you are here on this very short summary of newjacking. However, this small but might post is looking to encourage you to leverage these headlines, leverage them well, and then inject your own ideas into them to bring some value to your readers’ lives.

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One Response

  1. elversonjr20 says:

    Amazing post! It absolutely caught my attention and would certainly be providing a desirable link from others in the blogging industry! Again, great post and use of the headline!

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