A Career in SEO is Like Baking Cakes

Are you obsessed with this class? Has it opened your eyes to a brand new industry and now you’re insatiable?? Are you as hungry as I am? We’re gonna put this in terms of baking cakes. Yes, you read that right.

Step 1: Formulate Your Recipe

Any baker worth their salt can’t bake a cake with just an idea alone. They have to ensure they have all the right ingredients in the right ratio. You have to try out your various recipes before finally mastering the skills.

In the same sense, knowing what SEO is is not the same as being able to implement it right away. You must look for real-world experience and practice to hone your skills before becoming a master in the industry.

Step 2: Build Your Portfolio of Cakes

As you perfect your base recipe, you can start to tweak it based on different flavors, different allergies, and different exterior designs.

Same with SEO. As you get more and more work, start building up your portfolio. The best way to show your improvements is by providing before and after examples. A portfolio proves that you can deliver results,

Step 3: Chit, Chat, and Ask Questions

Talk with other bakers in the cake industry. What do they do to fix this one thing? How do they keep either cake sturdy enough to stack? How do they keep it so moist? Is their ratio of baking powder different than yours?

If you have questions about SEO, ask them. Go to conferences to learn more. Take online certification courses. Keep working towards that line that moves every time you take a step in that direction. SEO is ever changing and you must continue to learn to keep up with the times.

Step 4: Get the Word Out About Your Cake

You’ve made all these cakes and you are learning more and more. Now you need to sell them! use reviews from prior customers, use any baking awards you’ve won, and give out free samples. Convince your customers that they need your cakes.

Curate your resume and cover letter towards your skills in SEO tools, your track records, and any certifications you have. Use these examples to tell future employers of what an asset you will be.

Step 5: Close the Sale

Glean what you can from your conversations with a customer and what they need. Encourage them that you can bake what they need for whatever event they need it for. Dissuade their concerns and know your stuff so they’re assured of buying from you.

In SEO, you have to ace the interview. Be prepared to talk about your skills and experience and how you approach certain issues. Show them your passion for SEO and your excitement to contribute to their team’s success.

Now you have all the steps. Make your way into the industry and leave your mark (whether it’s cakes or SEO).

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One Response

  1. browersg20@gcc.edu says:

    Certainly haven’t mastered it, but I love these topics you have outlined! Great work! Your use of conversational language in here was super helpful too!

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