Day: May 12, 2024

Content is CRITICAL for SEO rankings for your website. It helps to establish relevancy of a page for users. knowing what your users need is how you will be able to best develop your content. Below are the top 3 basic content tips that I have learned: Knowing how you impact your users and how […]
Through learning about many SEO components and how to best optimize a site, I have been equipped with a basic strategy of how to approach the creation of a webpage: These strategies will help better the SEO ranking of your site while also making your users happier because they will actually be able to find […]
Understanding and looking at all of the different pieces of the SEO puzzle is very important when talking about visualization of SEO. There are two different optimization pieces that you want to consider regarding SEO, onsite and offsite optimization. Onsite optimization are elements that you have control over on the pages you wish to optimize. […]
I was able to analyze a website that lists the 16 best website optimization tools. I am going to be highlighting the top 2 of those 16 tools. 1. NitroPak NitroPak is a tool that is used to analyze your website’s page speed. This tool is a world class cloud-based tool performance optimization tool. They […]
In the industry of content development, there are those people that try and get around the typical route and use the practice of black hat SEO. Black hat SEO goes against a search engines guidelines to change the search engines results page to show what they want. Below I have listed different examples of black […]
Description tags are basically a short pitch to the possible users of a website to convince them that your website is what they are looking for. I have learned of 3 purposes of description tags: Your primary goal for using description tags is to create a certain value for the user and to drive a […]
Link baiting is the act of leveraging authoritative websites in your industry into sending traffic and links to your site to increase the amount of eyeballs that are going onto your website. In order to complete this process you have to go through 5 steps: Link baiting for some may seem a bit of an […]
Considering the world that we live in, the world that has the internet full of scams and hackers that could get to you at any moment. How do we know who to trust? What do we look for that is going to tell us that we are not getting scammed? Well, there is Page Rank […]
In the realm of the hilarious errors of the internet, there are business that take advantage of the mistakes and take a chance to connect with their users. Here are a few that I found interesting and I hope you do to! 1. Lego: This little lego guy shows up when you are looking for […]
Google Business Profile Listings can be a powerful tool for your business to use. These are listings that will pop up when you hit search when you are looking for a business. Making sure that you are getting your businesses information out there is one thing, but it is a whole other thing to make […]