Basic Strategies For Any Page

Through learning about many SEO components and how to best optimize a site, I have been equipped with a basic strategy of how to approach the creation of a webpage:

  1. have a target keyword that you want to focus on in your website
  2. have a targeted user intent for why someone would be on your website
  3. define a conversion aim for your website
  4. write a title page that will hook your users that also includes a keyword
  5. write a conversion friendly title tag
  6. write a conversion friendly description tag

These strategies will help better the SEO ranking of your site while also making your users happier because they will actually be able to find what they are looking for.

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One Response

  1. higginsmr20 says:

    This was a really well written post. The importance of keyword selection, title tags, and description tags can’t be overstated. It was interesting to read about each one of these broken down.

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