Understanding Page Rank: The Heartbeat of Web Authority

Considering the world that we live in, the world that has the internet full of scams and hackers that could get to you at any moment. How do we know who to trust? What do we look for that is going to tell us that we are not getting scammed? Well, there is Page Rank for that. Page Rank is an indicator of the relative authority and trustworthiness of a website. It uses a mathematical formula that judges the value of a page on the internet by looking at the quantity and quality of other pages that link to it. The reasoning for Page Rank is that its job is to determine a page’s importance and relevance in a network. Unfortunately, there was a slight hiccup for Page rank in 2016, Google stopped showing page ranking for individual sites because of its lead to link span and an unhealthy focus on building artificial sites on the internet. There are tools out there to be used for page ranking, just it is not an automatic thing now for all websites.


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