Link Baiting Mastery Revealed!

Link baiting is the act of leveraging authoritative websites in your industry into sending traffic and links to your site to increase the amount of eyeballs that are going onto your website. In order to complete this process you have to go through 5 steps:

  1. Develop a strategic concept – Ask yourself questions like this: What expertise do you have that is attractive to prospects? What expertise speaks most effectively to the prospects pain? What pain do you want to target?
  2. Connect with a well known web publisher or blogger and give them an exclusive of your website before it goes live.
  3. Prepare content for immediate and long term success – For example, Visible social share icons, Visible embed code, Visible download option, Fully optimize content, title tag, H1 tag for the central keyword
  4. Promote your content actively to other publishers, bloggers, and other influencers – you want to make sure that you are choosing sites that have content that your readers would want to click on
  5. Extend your search through the leverage of online promotional tools and platforms – using resources such as a paid search or a paid social media

Link baiting for some may seem a bit of an ethical issue but in reality all you are doing is taking advantage of the internet connection to get people onto your website.

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One Response

  1. elversonjr20 says:

    Great post! Link baiting is so helpful from an SEO standpoint and is definitely something that websites should target!

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