Visualization of SEO

Understanding and looking at all of the different pieces of the SEO puzzle is very important when talking about visualization of SEO. There are two different optimization pieces that you want to consider regarding SEO, onsite and offsite optimization.

Onsite optimization are elements that you have control over on the pages you wish to optimize. Elements of onsite optimization are:

  • crawlability
  • usability
  • security
  • rich content
  • social media signals

Offsite optimization are elements which stand outside of pages that you are wanting to optimize and which can have some influence for your site. Elements of offsite optimization are:

  • links
  • more links
  • even more links

As you can tell the theme for offsite optimization is links. this could be content specifically written for you on other sites, or even content that you write for other sites that than they return the favor.

Onsite and Offsite Optimization are will help you better the SEO ranking of your site.

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2 Responses

  1. mlwiley says:

    I like that SEO is compared to a puzzle because there are many different aspects and pieces to consider when creating a website. Doing research is important to find out what information is relevant to you. Focusing and implementing strategies that will help your website ranking and perform higher give you and website users the best experience.

  2. dimalantajc20 says:

    This is a great explanation of Onsite and Offsite optimization and how it relates to SEO being compared to a puzzle. I like how you emphasized how important it is to optimize your SEO and site, it has a huge effect on the quality of your website and traffic that flows through.

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