Don’t Fear the 404: Customizing for Conversion

I’m sure we’ve all faced the frustration of being met with a 404 page, rather than the answer to our search query. What if there was a way to lighten that frustration and redirect our users to try again? Try a custom 404 page!

404 pages are the server’s way of telling us that the client was able to communicate the server, but the server could not find what was requested. This can create frustration for users causing bounce rates to increase. However, a custom 404 page might actually increase conversion rates. Look at this example from the LEGO brand below.

Custom 404 pages offer a chance to interact with your audience in a meaningful way. It is a great way to show your users that you care about them and their search and want to help them find what they are looking for. In the example above, LEGO offers a custom 404 that captures the user’s attention, makes them smile, and then invites them to be redirected to a page that will work and hopefully meet their needs.

Here are some ways to customize your 404 for conversion:

  1. Keep a conversational tone
  2. Feel free to make it funny!
  3. use the page as a redirect to relevant and typocally popular content in your site.
  4. Use as a way of showing you care and to build trust with your users.
  5. Contextualize it for your audience

Try out a custom 404 page and keep your users!!

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2 Responses

  1. elversonjr20 says:

    Great post! I love that there is an ability to customize 404 pages to make them more than a dull and boring error that pops up. It shows dedication to the site and also gives a chance for a bit of fun!

  2. hennejv21 says:

    It is apparent you have done your research. I really enjoyed this read, it was also really well-written and coherent. Keep up the good work!

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