The “Whys” of Content: How to Create for Consumption

A pro tip for successful content development is to continually return to the question of “what drives my audience to search?” We want to create content that meets the demand of that search. Let’s look at why people consume content in the first place and how that can guide us in successful content creation,

The “Whys” of content

1.To solve problems

        People often can seek out content to help find ways to solve problems they’re facing. These could include financial, emotional, relational, psychological, spiritual, etc. When we can understand the pain points of our audience it can help us target and create content that satisfies or meets those needs.

        2. To gain leverage or advantage

          People want to gain something or take something way after encountering your content. It is important to create content that is meaningful and that will actually benefit our users.

          3. To satisfy curiosity

            How many times to you pick up your phone with a question you are expecting google to provide an answer to? People are consistently eager to learn new things and to have their questions answered. Take on a thought leadership role within your niche and know what questions your audience will ask, so you can be the one to answer.

            4. To be entertained

              If your audience allows it, it is good to entertain them. Consider what elements you could add to a site to entertain your audience such as video, photos, humor aspects, polls, etc.

              When creating content, think back to these 4 points on why people may be searching, and allow it to guide you into creating content that will be meaningful to you user.

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              One Response

              1. hennejv21 says:

                It is apparent you have done your research. I really enjoyed this read, it was also really well-written and coherent. Keep up the good work!

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