Wanna rank in the SERP? Try Link Baiting.

Link earning is one of the most influential techniques in SERP ranking behavior, and one way to earn links is through what is known as link baiting. Link baiting is the process of leveraging authoritative websites in your industry into sending traffic and links to your site.

How to link bait:

  1. Develop a Strategic Content Concept

Content is what meets the demand of a search. You want to create compelling content that others want to link to naturally. Having a content concept that reach your target market, are relevant, visually appealing and engaging is the first step in ensuring that your content is worthy of being linked to.

  1. Connect with Well Known Internet Publishers

One way to broaden the reach for your content is through establishing connections that already have established and reputable platforms within your niche. This includes bloggers, social media managers, business owners and more. Inbound links from these sites can increase your visibility as well as the credibly and trustworthiness of your site creating more conversions.

  1. Prepare your Content for immediate and Long term Success.

SEO is your friend and optimizing your website on site can help create optimization off site. If people can see the sustainability, visually appeal, and value of your site they will want to link you boosting your SEO efforts even more.

  1. Promote your Content Actively to other Publishers, Bloggers, and Relevant Sites.

Don’t wait for people to discover your content, tell them about it! Proactively promote your content through every means possible. Social media platforms, email, networking events, promotional tools, etc.

Essentially if you want to rank in the SERPs, try link baiting!

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2 Responses

  1. hennejv21 says:

    It is apparent you have done your research. I really enjoyed this read, it was also really well-written and coherent. Keep up the good work!

  2. elversonjr20 says:

    Good post, but make sure to use H2 tags so users are able to see the different sections! Other than that, great work!

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