On July 1st, 2023, all universal analytics ceased to be supported. In its place, Google Analytics 4, AKA GA4, took its place. GA4 is a significantly powerful data analytics tool used by both businesses and marketers alike to discover trends and searches of their customers. GA4 offers a wide variety of helpful features to hep businesses and advertisers reach their customers and various target markets. One of these features is event-based tracking which gives businesses an insight into how its customers are searching on their devices and what they are searching for. This pivot allows businesses to make better decisions in terms of website content to suit their customer’s needs based on their online journeys. GA4 also provides AI services, which are very new in the business world for uncovering user data. Businesses can use these AI for a number of reasons, but the main one being data collection on search patterns which can then be utilized to predict trends. GA4 offers free online certification training which allows the student or marketer to become informed on GA4’s features and uses in the business world. GA4 is a huge step in the right direction for businesses and marketers by providing them with the tools and functions to properly analyze their customer’s data and make the necessary adjustments to their online presence to ensure that they are reaching their target markets effectively.

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One Response

  1. elversonjr20 says:

    I agree! GA4 is so handy for understanding the statistics of your business and is a great tool in improving a small business.

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