The 6 Steps of the Link Baiting Process

There are multiple ways a business can conduct proper link baiting in an effort to boost their online reputation, however, these are the 6 main steps businesses should take. The first is to develop a strategic content concept. This is done by asking some key questions like what pain do you want to target? Or what opportunities do you see for providing content that is not currently being met by other sites? The subject should be on long-term apparel and the content should appeal to your prospects, customers, and other content creators in your topical space. The next step should be to connect with a well-known web publisher or Blogger and give them an “exclusive” before you publish it which they may want to copilot for their own site, or even write about your piece which can increase traffic in clicks. The next step is to prepare your content for immediate and long term success. This is done by ensuring visible social share icons on your site along with visible optimized content. The next step is to promote content activity to other publishers, bloggers, and relevant sites. Businesses should be sure to choose sites that are more inclined to share their content and connect with the owner of the site via email. The key aspect of the e-mail is to answer the question of what would make the site owners want to share the business’s content with their readers. The second to last step is to extend your reach through the leverage of online promotional tools and platforms. This can be done via paid searches, paid social media and discovery data, and content repurposing. The final step is to check your reach. This can be done through link attribution validation using other link discovery tools (ex. Google Analytics features) and image checks.

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One Response

  1. elversonjr20 says:

    Very informative! I think that if you put breaks in the text, using H2 tags, it would be a bit easier to read and go through, but still an informative post!

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