“Hey Siri – Optimize my post”

Let’s face it, we are getting lazier and lazier. Tech being “easy” or “very accessible” is not only the norm, it is expected. And if something doesn’t work, then it is outrageous and a very poor product. We expect excellence and ease of use in the world of technology, and when we don’t find it — it is extremely frustrating.

One of the ways that “tech” has been easier for us, is now we can interact with it by talking to it. We quite literally talk to our technology now. “Hey Siri, OK Google, Alexa, etc.” While it is not the dominant way that individuals search currently, voice search is certainly prevalent.

Okay…. So what? As a small or large business owner, why on earth would I care about voice search? Doesn’t that mean that clients can find me easier now? I mean, surely if they can use their voice and search for things, aren’t they more likely to look me up now?

Yes and no. Yes, users are more likely to search content that is relevant to you as their searching methods are now made easier. No because unless you are optimizing for it the chances of showing up in the “Voice Search SERP” is incredibly low.

Voice search hunts and looks for a unique type of content. To keep it plain and simple for the purposes of this blog post, voice search seeks to yield results that are typically found in writing centered around commonly asked questions using natural language and phrasing.

All content on your website should be optimized — end of discussion. There is no useless or dead space that just needs a filler. However, how can you seek to optimize your content for not only the typical search method, but also, the voice search method? Is your product/content such that it might be akin to voice search results? Are you a “how-to”, “what is…”, “where can I find…” type of website where working hard to have yourself featured in a voice snippet is exactly the type of content you should be on the lookout for?

Perhaps voice search is something you should consider today for your fully optimized website!

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2 Responses

  1. welshjp20 says:

    Nice post! I like how you used a familiar tone instead of just categorizing things with impersonal titles. Also, very interesting that the voice search method gives different results or looks for different things than is standard.

  2. casteelkj20 says:

    I love the title, it drew me in. I also appreciate the conversational tone, I can understand the point you’re trying to get across. I never realized that voice search would yield a different SERP that a regular online search, very interesting.

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