The Abomination of AI Art: What is wrong in the weird world of Artificial Intelligence made art?

Bad AI Art

Hey there, art aficionados! Let’s talk about the latest craze sweeping the creative world: AI-made art. It’s a fascinating fusion of technology and creativity that promises to revolutionize the way we perceive and create art. But before we dive headfirst into the digital canvas, let’s take a step back and examine the masterpiece—or lack thereof—that AI art currently offers.

An AI generated image of an old woman’s hands, drawn poorly with extra fingers

Now, don’t get me wrong; AI-generated art has its merits. It’s innovative, it’s intriguing, and it’s pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the realm of creativity. But let’s be real for a moment- it’s not quite ready to hang in the Louvre just yet.

One of the main errors plaguing AI art is its lack of depth and emotion. Sure, the algorithms can churn out impressive imitations of famous styles or generate visually striking images, but there’s something missing—a soul, if you will. It’s like admiring a painting through a glass pane; you can see it, but you can’t quite feel it.

Another issue is the reliance on pre-existing data. AI art often draws from vast datasets of images, music, and other media to create its compositions. While this can lead to impressive results, it also runs the risk of producing derivative or uninspired works that lack originality.

But fear not, fellow art lovers! While AI art may still have some kinks to iron out, the future looks bright. As technology advances and algorithms become more sophisticated, we can expect to see AI artists evolve and improve their craft. Who knows? Maybe one day we’ll marvel at a masterpiece created entirely by silicon and circuits.

And as for those sci-fi fears of AI taking over the world?  Well, let’s just say that Skynet won’t be curating the next art exhibition anytime soon. Catch you on the flip side!


A disturbing AI image of a family
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One Response

  1. says:

    Clever title and very interesting content! Thanks for putting this out here because it is something I have been genuinely curious about. How long until you think AI art takes over?

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