Small Business SEO

A topic that is sadly neglected far too often is the topic of small business SEO. Many businesses feel that they are “too small” to worry about SEO, that it is “too expensive”, or it is just not worth their time as they are just a local business. Nothing could be further from the truth!

So what exactly can a small business do to optimize for success in their local area?

Optimize Google Business Profile

This one is pretty self-explanatory. This is something that a lot of businesses can do very easily, and that is registering with this service and adding yourself to this directory of businesses that Google will index.

Using Location Specific Keywords/Phrases

What is unique to your small business? What keywords are going to make your local business stand out? Are there local festivals/fairs that could make your company stand out in the SERP? What might help a local find you and perhaps drive word of mouth conversation?

Seeking and engaging with Online Reviews

Drive them and then respond to them! Even if it is negative feedback, nothing is a bigger red flag than no Google reviews or Google reviews that go ignored. Don’t let this be your business, and know that Google will index this for their results in the SERP.

0/5 (0 Reviews)


3 Responses

  1. welshjp20 says:

    Good blog on a relevant topic! Nice, clear sections with good H2 titles. It addresses prominent points and could really be helpful to small business owners. Maybe add some sort of imagery to make it pop!

  2. Riehljb21 says:

    SEO is really important for small businesses, so its even more important for people like us to share knowledge and make sure its easy for them to utilize it.

  3. casteelkj20 says:

    I’m glad you’ve focused on small businesses because people may think of SEO as a tactic that’s beyond their scope. Its good to clarify that any business can and should use SEO.

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