How does AI make SEO better for the consumer?

With the new findings of artificial intelligence, there is a whole host of new ideas and concepts that are made much easier for SEO. AI allows the creator of the website to automate all sorts of things that they could not before, saving them time and money. It has been said that there is nothing left for the users to do on a website, except to be a source of contact if needed. AI is capable of creating and running an entire website without the help of any human.

The value proposition of a website is often a topic that comes up when someone is thinking about AI in relation to an online presence. A sites value proposition is able to be fulfilled much easier with the help of artificial intelligence. For example, if a site is trying to provide the user with books to solve their problems, they could use AI and other digital tools to provide them with AI generated answers or E-books. The ability to satisfy customers needs has never been easier than it is now.

There is a whole host of other capabilities that AI has to offer on a website. The biggest thing that AI has to offer in my opinion, is the ability to make seamless transactions online. We have been able to pay online for a while, but with the help of AI, it will become even easier and safe to do so. With AI, the owner of a website is able to make money, not only through transactions, but through advertisement revenue. By using AI to monitor users internet habits, you can customize their website experience with personalized advertisements. This is something that I am not very fond of and I am guessing a lot of other people would agree with me. I find it pretty creepy when I am looking or talking about something earlier in the day and then later I get an ad for it. Overall, I think AI can be very helpful when you are working with a website and it is a great tool.

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3 Responses

  1. coughlinjd20 says:

    I think it’s cool how AI can make search results very personalized for the consumer in how it organizes preferences to categorize users search results, which in return provides the user with the most relevant results based on their individual interests.

  2. says:

    This is a unique way of looking at AI Cayden! Many people think that AI is bad and is only used for stealing ideas, but this view can greatly help out companies manage payment. Great post Cayden!

  3. nakhlacn17 says:

    That’s very interesting; I didn’t know AI was running websites on its own now. That’s both exciting and scary.

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