
Link Juice – what on earth is that? Yeah, I know, that is a pretty bizarre term. The mental images Link Juice produces certainly leaves a few questions in my mind too. Think of it this way, “I need to juice up this blog post.” What does that mean to you? To juice up something […]
That caught your attention, didn’t it? Yeah, you bet it did. And that is exactly the premise of news jacking. Now I know what you might be thinking. Whoa whoa whoa? Clickbait?? No! That is the whole point of this post. What is news jacking? A lot of companies interpret news jacking as simply taking […]
Yup, you heard that right, you can make the second largest and most widely used search engine in the world work for you and your small business. Cool, right? The blog below is going to lay out a few tips, assuming that you and your small business realize the importance of posting online content about […]
A topic that is sadly neglected far too often is the topic of small business SEO. Many businesses feel that they are “too small” to worry about SEO, that it is “too expensive”, or it is just not worth their time as they are just a local business. Nothing could be further from the truth! […]
Let’s face it, we are getting lazier and lazier. Tech being “easy” or “very accessible” is not only the norm, it is expected. And if something doesn’t work, then it is outrageous and a very poor product. We expect excellence and ease of use in the world of technology, and when we don’t find it […]
Ah yes, one of the greatest question is business: Who are my customers. Oh the whoas of the company that does not answer this properly. “Something for Everyone” is an automatic pathway to failure. Not picking a focus and doing it really well, but rather trying to do everything for everyone, is the key at […]
The first time I heard this term, I honestly thought of the Boston Tea Party. I was really quite confused as to what this had to with business, especially within the realm of SEO. So what exactly is the Boston matrix? Well, to help define this I consulted with my main resource for this brief […]
UGH! Another hour wasted hunting around google finding exactly NOT what I am trying to find! Ever been there before? I think we all have. It’s like the search engine is speaking one language and you are speaking another. So what is the deal with that? Is the Google bot having a malfunction, or are […]
Okay, so we all know SEO is important, right? Sort of in a similar way that we all know — drinking water is healthy. Now not all of us are PhD nutritionists who can explain exactly why water is the best thing for you to drink., But that doesn’t matter, we all just universally know, […]
In today’s modern digital realm, visibility is the currency of the land. The formula is simple for business in an online world: be visible or die. This fact is no mystery to the modern day business person. They know how important it is to place online, how important it is to be found, and how […]