Author: hennejv21

There are multiple link earning tactics businesses should consider when attempting to earn links and clicks for their site. These are some of the few best examples:
There are multiple ways a business can conduct proper link baiting in an effort to boost their online reputation, however, these are the 6 main steps businesses should take. The first is to develop a strategic content concept. This is done by asking some key questions like what pain do you want to target? Or […]
In the online world today, one of the key factors of success is defined by the ability to be distinguishable from the rest. A strong start for businesses to distinguish themselves and their websites from the competition is by utilizing rich results and rich snippets. Rich results are results presented on the search engine results […]
404 error pages can be extremely frustrating for users, but they are more than that for a business. A 404 error page on your site can weaken the business’s trust with its customers and pose the risk of losing new ones. This is why it is highly recommended a business implement a customer 404 error […]


On July 1st, 2023, all universal analytics ceased to be supported. In its place, Google Analytics 4, AKA GA4, took its place. GA4 is a significantly powerful data analytics tool used by both businesses and marketers alike to discover trends and searches of their customers. GA4 offers a wide variety of helpful features to hep […]
SEO, rather known as Search Engine Optimization, can often be described as either ethical or shady. On the shady practice side is Black Hat SEO, which follows techniques to manipulate search engine rankings. One of the most common techniques is keyword stuffing. Keyword stuffing is the process that involves the overuse of keywords in website […]
To ensure successful search engine optimization, effective keyword research is the main factor for success. The accepted definition of keyword research in SEO is to discover the specific words or phrases that prospects are searching in relation to your business or industry. If a business can successfully identify these words or phrases, they can utilize […]
The main idea of search engine optimization when used for business purposes is to stand out and be noticed by searchers to gather more customers. People need to understand their target market. If a business is aware of its target market then it can begin focusing on utilizing its SEO tactics for the right audience. […]
For businesses, it is not enough to just possess a website. The website cannot benefit the business or its customers if the site is difficult to find. In order for the website to generate traffic, it must be discoverable by search engines. Website audits can help with this. Audits are used to analyze the layout […]
SEO plays a significant role in the success of a business, especially on its website as businesses today are heavily dependent on the success of their online presence via their websites. There are two main types of SEO used today, onsite and offsite. Onsite SEO involves the “on-site” activity of a business’s website by way […]