What is keyword research?

One of the big topics in SEO is keyword research. From my basic understanding, this is how someone locates your website when they type a word into Google. Keywords are connected to your website or pages within your site. This is how you are able to create consistent traffic to your website. There are several platforms to do keyword research like, Google Trends, Semrush, and Soovle. Keyword research is essential to getting people to come to your website and hopefully make a purchase.

When you are building a website, you need to do keyword research before you finalize things so that your website can be relevant. It is important to understand your audience, so you can know what words they would look up to get to your product. Then, you can link those words to your page. There are high volume keywords and low volume keywords. Low volume can be the better option because they are more specific and could deliver someone that is looking for your product and they are ready to purchase.

User intent is another aspect that is very important. You need to know why they are searching, do they want to buy a product or just learn about it? This ties into the topic of relevancy, Google does a good job of deciding why people are searching and they tailor the results to fit. Generally, if you are selling a product, your company would want to be a relevant site for when people are looking to buy. Google is able to determine the users intent by looking at their prior searches and making educated assumptions.

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2 Responses

  1. fiscuseg21 says:

    Keyword research is very interesting to me, as we all conduct searches and click on results every day without really thinking about the work that goes on behind the scenes to deliver the most credible and accurate results based on the words we use in our searches. There are many different keywords and combinations of keywords that a company might want to be found under, but each one takes time and effort to implement in order to connect users to that company and generate traffic from consumers.

  2. Brendan Stull says:

    keyword research is very interesting and crucial for SEO. Understanding user intent and targeting relevant keywords that match the audience’s search queries is crucial. Finding the right keywords for your website can be done with tools like Google Trends, Semrush, and Soovle. By optimizing your website for the right keywords, you can drive targeted traffic and increase conversions. Great post Cayden!

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