3 SEO Tips for Blogs

Search engine optimization is essential for every modern website, but there are specific tips for certain types of websites. Blogs are one of the most popular websites on the internet today, so anyone who’s creating one will need customized tips that are tailored to their work. The top three tips for blog optimization are adding images, having great titles, and using keywords in your posts.

Add Images

Everyone likes pictures and everyone likes content with images. So, one of the best ways to engage your audience and people on the web is to add pictures to your content! People nowadays don’t have long attention spans so it’s important to add visual elements wherever you can. This will also increase the chances of your image showing up in Google Image searches to have a wider reach on the web.

Have Great Titles

It’s all about keywords. No matter what content you write, you must have an interesting and clever title to hook your audience. Keep in mind the acronym “TITLES” to check its effectiveness. Does your title include teasers to entice the user? Does the title have instructions to hint at advice? Is there a threat that issues a warning? Does your content include lists? Does your title encourage engagement? And finally, does the title have secrets that reveal something to the reader?

Use Keywords in the Post

Remember how you are supposed to customize your resume for each job and internship you apply for? Well, it’s the same concept with blogs! Anyone can write a great blog post and tell good stories, but no one will find those stories unless your keywords are sprinkled throughout your post. First, you should start with a simple outline of your content and have a list of specific keywords you want to use. Then, write your post, and finally, edit it to include those important keywords. Try looking for verbs you can change and sentences with structures you can alter to include those all-important keywords.

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4 Responses

  1. vangrouwoc19 says:

    I like how you mention the importance of keywords in both the title and the post. I definitely think it’s really important to make sure that keywords are present in every part of your content. I also appreciated you mentioning the TITLES acronym as it’s a great way to remember good practices when coming up with a title.

  2. douglassej22 says:

    I agree, the title is the first things a person will see and having the correct keywords is crucial if you want someone to continue reading. The acronym is a clever way of how to grab someone’s attention with your title. Pictures are also a great way to grab attention because many people are visual learners and images may help your audience remember you better.

  3. testacr22 says:

    This is a great post, well done! From all the research I have done on SEO, you hit the nail on the head with every tip you mentioned. The most important thing that I found was all of the keyword research things. That is the crucial aspect to drawing people to your website and I think you did a great job explaining how important it is to incorporate those keywords into your website. I also like how you talk about how the website looks and how images are appealing to the eye and they can also help people find your site.

  4. McGuirejs20 says:

    I like how you talked about adding pictures for content. It is important for a site to not be boring and keep the user engaged. It is important for a site to be recognized, but if they cannot keep engagement, they will not succeed.

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