Title Tags and CTR

SEO is not an area belonging only to the computer geniuses and coding nerds. When taught correctly, anyone can learn how to optimize their business site. However, there’s certainly an SEO terminology, a necessary lingo. In order to make the process a little simpler, I’m going to cover an important SEO term to add to your vocabulary: Title Tag and CTR. 

Title tags are something you’ve seen plenty of times but never paid attention to. The underlined blue text that you click on to visit a site… that’s the title tag. Title tags bring traffic to your sight, because after all, you need clicks to be found and therefore, you need your title tag to be “click-worthy.” Specifically, your title tag should be unique and distinctive, and it absolutely must include your target keyword, preferably at the front of your tag. Personalizing your title tag will increase your CTR, your click-through-rate. Your click-through-rate is simply your traffic, the percentage of individuals who not only viewed your tag but clicked on it. CTR is the number of clicks divided by the number of people who saw your site on Google. And calculating your CTR is a great way to test the health of your title tag. Because an unhealthy title tag won’t get any clicks. So, if there’s no clicks, your title tag is probably not displaying exactly what you want, or Google doesn’t find it relevant enough for the searcher. A healthy title tag certainly contributes to an increased CTR which is why it is so necessary, especially as it is your first impression on a user. 

Sources: https://www.constantcontact.com/blog/website-seo-title-tag/#:~:text=A%20title%20tag%20is%20a,These%20are%20the%20title%20tags.

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One Response

  1. botkintj19 says:

    Title tags are important for websites as well as publishing them correctly that best effects the user of the website. These are good insites.

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