Mobile SEO in 2023

As we probably all know, mobile site usage has skyrocketed in the past decade. But even now in 2023, when mobile usage seems to be old news, mobile SEO is becoming more important than ever. Now that mobile researching is both easier and quicker than any other kind, it’s critical that our sites are mobile-friendly. Afterall, according to, about 63% of searches on Google are from mobile devices. 

So why and how do we best optimize for mobile, especially in 2023 when people have been making sites mobile friendly for quite some time now? Well, first Google will eventually just look at your mobile site and ignore your desktop one for ranking. Of course, your mobile site should already be user-friendly, simple, and customized to those users. But now, in 2023, you might want to spend most of your time (if not all) on making sure your mobiles site is as best as it possibly can be. This means making your site responsive on all devices, setting up viewports that will adapt the website to whatever dimension of a screen, make sure your sight looks nice (good negative space, short/punchy text, readable, eye-catching interactive), avoid popups that are too big (this will hide your content from view), optimize for voice-searching, and ensure that your user doesn’t have to wait too long for your site to load. 

Confirmed by Google itself, your site must be mobile-friendly to rank. And now in 2023, with a vast majority of our searching being via mobile devices, it’s essential to keep our sites in optimal mobile shape for our users.,63%25%20of%20Google’s%20US%20organic%20search%20traffic%20originates%20from%20mobile,times%20a%20day%20or%20more.

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2 Responses

  1. says:

    This post is very informative! Mobile SEO is something that is up and coming and this blog post helped me understand it more clearly. I completely agree that mobile SEO has become more important than ever in 2023. With the majority of searches being conducted on mobile devices, it’s crucial that websites are optimized for mobile users.

  2. testacr22 says:

    I completely agree that mobile SEO has become more important now than ever before. With the majority of searches now coming from mobile devices, it’s critical for businesses to ensure that their websites are mobile-friendly and optimized for mobile SEO. I have come across many pages that are not mobile-friendly and it drives me away from those sites, so it is very important to accommodate everyone.

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