SEO Based off Competitors

One major part of staying competitive in search engine optimization is keeping up with your competitors. Analysis of their webpage is a key part in seeing how successful they are. Seeing what they are doing well and what is not working is key in critiquing your own website. Some basic ways to analyze your competitors is through studying their best performing pages and seeing what keywords are leading people to them. Conducting a search on what keywords they are ranking for and that you are not is very important as well. Your website would want to be ranking for them in order to compete.

Backlinks are links from a third-party site directly to your site, these are very important to your ranking on the search engine the consumer is using. The more backlinks you have, the more seriously the search engine will take your site and the more likely you are to receive traffic to it. One strategy you can do to develop more backlinks is by stealing you competitors broken backlinks. You are able to see which ones are broken by using some different types of software that is available on the internet. Having the broken backlinks of a successful competitor can be crucial to your rank being boosted up over them.

Overall, these strategies might not be the most ethical since you are just taking things from a competitor, but they are completely legal and are used in a very widespread manor.

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5 Responses

  1. guidajt22 says:

    I think that is just taking advantage of the free marketing they are doing using their broken backlinks and that is great! Also yes, studying your competitors has always been beneficial and can truly help you snag ideas and learn from their mistakes and successes.

  2. MiaCamp says:

    I didn’t know about stealing your competitors broken backlinks. I think this is a very important and useful point – a backlink that a competitor uses might be helpful to your business.

  3. hallerer20 says:

    Looking at your competitors is a very useful tool in SEO and one that, I think, often gets overlooked. It can definitely provide a lot of insight on improving your own strategies.

  4. crowleymt21 says:

    Very good point about looking for keywords competitors are ranking for that you are not. This could present a big missed opportunity – or the competition could be so firmly entrenched that it might not be worth the time (which could instead be spent optimizing other keywords that might be easier/better to rank for.

  5. says:

    Backlinking is very important to SEO and I did not know about that you can steal them from your competitors. That is a helpful hint for the future!

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