SEO and Google’s New “Multisearch”

For years, search has mainly been focused on textual content. But now, with audio/visual forms of content having been introduced, Google is adapting. Google will now be viewing content much like a human: as if it had eyes to see, ears to hear, and a brain to read and comprehend. Google is working to look at the big picture. 

Enter Google’s multisearch. You can now search using both photos and text. Google Lens, Google’s multisearch app, allows you to find similar products in stores near you. You can take pictures with your phone and search for images or products like the picture you have. It can even translate text with the snap of a photo. This is certainly a new challenge for SEO professionals. Soon it won’t just be keywords, it’ll be key images

Google’s John Mueller made sure to talk about this new search form and its affect on SEO. He mentioned how this will not make things incredibly more complicated, but that it, instead, demonstrates the importance of having photos on your website, specifically good quality photos of your products. Mueller also mentioned that there isn’t a specific field of SEO for this type of search yet. But that does not mean that we don’t pay attention to it. To optimize their website for searchers using multisearch, SEO professionals should make sure to do some “key image testing” by plugging photos into Google Lens and seeing if their product pops up. 

It’s truly amazing how fast search and the internet evolves. And this is just one of the reasons why SEO professionals must pay close attention to this evolution. Because these new changes might end up changing the entire essence of search.

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2 Responses

  1. mapesam20 says:

    It is interesting to see what new innovations search engines are making. Search is a field that is continuously growing and evolving, and will continue to do so as technology becomes more and more integrated into our lives. I find it cool to watch how Google and other search engines work to evolve to meet changing consumer preferences.

  2. GAGERCR21 says:

    Very informative! These types of developments are fascinating to watch unfold.

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