SEO Pogo-Sticking

Pogo-sticking is something that we do everyday when we are making a Google search. This is something that can make or break your website’s amount of traffic. This is when the user clicks on your site and then they just go back to the SERP and click on a new link because yours was not helpful. Having traffic on your site is crucial to your google search rankings, so it is essential that pogo-sticking does not happen to you.

The leading cause of pogo-sticking comes from clickbait content. This is where the preview or title of the content looks helpful or it jumps out at you, but then you click on it and its not helpful at all. Click bait is often considered a component of black hat SEO, so hopefully it doesn’t happen too often. Another very common drive of pogo-sticking is due to buried information. This is when the information you are looking for is actually on the site, but it is in a place where it cannot be found, so the user just gives up on the site and moves on. A poor user experience can also cause pogo-sticking. When your site takes too long to load or it has an annoying popup as soon as you open the site, it will most likely drive people away.

Pogo-sticking is something that can be detrimental to your site, but if you can figure out a way to draw people in and keep them on your site, you will see great success. It is not likely that Google uses this as a something that goes into ranking, but it is possible, so it is something to keep in mind.

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2 Responses

  1. fiscuseg21 says:

    Interesting topic! Pogo-sticking is something that almost all of us do every time we search without even realizing it. I always find myself clicking out of sites that aren’t helpful to find a better source of information. Understanding pogo-sticking can be very helpful for companies to learn how to create sites that are interesting and immediately engaging for users, so they don’t “pogo-stick” to a different site.

  2. guidajt22 says:

    Pretty cool content on Pogo-sticking, honestly I may adjust my website now because of reading this because I wanted to do a step by step procedure but that may hide a good bit of content in later steps. So thank you for this article was a great read and very practical information on how to retain potential customers on our websites.

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