Video vs. Blog Content

It’s no surprise that blog content has recently been shadowed by video content in the media. Especially with the popularity of Youtube, TikTok, and Instagram Reels, where video content is just as accessible as textual content (if not more accessible on these platforms). But how might this help SEO? And, better yet, how might it be even better than blog content? 

Well, first of all, videos are extremely digestible, especially short videos like those on TikTok. Even science says that people retain information they gleaned from visual content more than they do from textual content. In short, people understand videos and videos help them understand you. Furthermore, videos are way more interesting. Reading text is fun and all, but videos are so much more entertaining. They just “suck you in.” You know that feeling when your sibling is watching something (even something boring), you sit down for a second, and suddenly, its been a half hour and you’re still there? That’s the idea. Videos are much more engaging and attention-grabbing. Third of all, if you pay any attention at all to social media, you probably know multiple viral videos off the top of your head. Why is that? Because they’ve been shared! Videos are shared more than textual content, more than blogs, more than articles. There is greater chance your business will be discovered by people who would have never otherwise interacted with you, if you create visual video content. Simply because people like to share videos. Finally, according to SmartBug author Tabitha Young, users are twice as likely to buy a product after seeing it in a product video. So video content may bring more traffic, yes, but it could also help convert!

In short, videos are quick, engaging, popular, and persuasive. And with today’s technology, super easy to make. So, for the sake of your business, you should certainly consider creating rich content beyond the typical words on paper (or in this case, on a screen).,convince%20those%20people%20to%20actually

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2 Responses

  1. guidajt22 says:

    I love this article and learned a lot about how SEO is evolving now in the video world. I believe our attention spans are now far shorter than they were and people are being forced to adjust to be seen positively.

  2. BlendermannKJ20 says:

    Many people know that video content is more engaging that text content, but not everyone knows why. Videos can be hard to make at first, but once you get practice with it, it becomes a lot easier. Good post!

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