How to create search-optimized content

The website that I reviewed went into immense detail on specific steps on how to create more search-optimized content in order to increase online search traffic. The steps were clear and showed the importance of following the process in order to reach the success of more online traction.

  1. Finding a winning keyword.

With this, it stresses the importance of using trending language, because if nobody is searching for the topic or products on your site, there will be no online traffic on your site, regardless of status. You could go to a website such as Keywords Explorer to discover the trending terms that you could potentially incorporate for your site.

2. Figure out what searchers want.

The goal here it to figure out the wants of people online, and what they search for, why they search for it, and what they need out of it.

3. Figure out how to make your content unique

Search engines like Google are said to be looking for more unique, insightful, and fresh types of sites, and one must thoroughly understand how to curate their site with that knowledge. Some tips were to: make effort, be original, demonstrate your skill or talent, and improve accuracy. Use expert knowledge, personal experience, deep research, and your own beliefs to differentiate your site from all the rest.

4. Make a blog post outline

Outlines are crucial in staying organized, developing a plan on what to say, preventing periods of time with no inspiration, and make the writing process proceed more efficiently. Using AI will definitely help with this.

5. Write your draft.

This step requires no planning, because the goal is to just write everything that you want to say out. The key is to not edit this or think too hard, because that part of the process comes later.

6. Get feedback, then edit and polish the draft

This allows us to get out of our own heads about our writing and letting someone else look at it with fresh eyes. Sometimes the critique of others can make our content stronger and point out overlooked mistakes.

7. Write a compelling title and meta description

A title needs to grab the attention of the reader, because it is the first thing that the searcher sees for a site. By making it more enticing, it increases the chances of getting someone to click on your site. Some tips that were given were to keep it under 70 characters, tell searchers what they want by matching search intent, being descriptive without click baiting, and including the keyword or a close variation of the work if possible.

8. Add internal links

Using links within a site to elaborate on what you’re talking about helps search engines and searchers understand what your new page is about.

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One Response

  1. Kyle Hartman says:

    Good tips. Can you still get more searches even if you update or edit the site overtime or do you have to figure that out before you make that post?

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