The Power of Link and Bio

Many news outlets today have a social media presence to help create a platform for the younger generations to follow. News agencies are losing business left and right due to the nature of how all news has turned political. One news agency in particular has capitalized on its social media presence with great success: Fox News.

How Fox News Optimizes Link and Bio

Fox News has a feature on its Instagram accounts where they post thumbnails of news stories to try and catch the reader’s eye. These posts also have short blurbs attached to the photos with a short description of the photo, and remind readers that they can learn more if they click the link in the bio of that particular account. For example, say you see a photo of a Japanese airplane with flames surrounding it. That would seem very interesting to someone who has no preconceived thoughts about that image. If the reader finds themself interested and would like to learn more, simply click the link in the bio and scroll through and find the image that caught your eye. Then click on the image and the site will direct you to the article on Fox News website.

Why use Link and Bio?

I have seen other News Agencies use this function and this is how I absorb news stories at this current stage in my life. Lots of younger generations use Instagram for pure entertainment and now lots use it for keeping up with the news today as well. With social media, there is technically no need to have the news app downloaded to read the daily headlines. Sometimes news apps will prompt you to subscribe and pay money to read whereas clicking the link will let the reader have access for free. Some people don’t have a real need to download the app if they will only be reading the news here and there. This is great for the youth because I don’t think much of the younger generations would opt to spend money on a news subscription that they might only use a few times. The stories aren’t shortened on Instagram but as “clients” our only fear is that the news we are consuming is true. This is something we cannot control, unfortunately, but that is a completely separate issue. The link in bio feature is fairly new within the Instagram sphere and is not only just used for News Agencies, but it can be used for shopping, donation opportunities, registering for events, and gathering information about sponsored posts like Grove City College. Before learning about link in bio I would have never thought that this was an SEO tactic. SEO is masking itself as a marketing technique and this is very smart but it is also scary. SEO is everywhere and as consumers, we need to recognize where it is and how to navigate the changing online world. Link in bio is a great example of how to use SEO effectively and optimizes how I search for daily news so I don’t feel so out of the loop when it comes to Pop Culture Events, Political News, Travel News, and you should too!

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One Response

  1. GleasonMK21 says:

    This is one very resourceful way of using SEO optimizations, it will definitely improve your off-site optimizations and increase your link usage within a website. It can also help in increasing your businesses social medias and/or website through click rates.

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