SEO and Audience: Why it’s important

Why is knowing your audience so important when it comes to SEO? Audience is very important because it can determine who will flock to your site and by knowing your audience it’s a good practice to see if you are catering to the right people. If a site is very technologically advanced then someone older or people who don’t understand how to work it will become very frustrated and click off of the site. For example, my grandmother, for instance, feels much more comfortable ordering from a catalog for her clothing as that was how you could order things ‘online’. We have tried to show her how to order online and it is very hard for her and is frustrating for all parties involved. The issue is that the site is not versatile for people of all ages they are only compatible for people who know and already have experience with technology. Sites now are becoming even harder to navigate today with how everything is optimized for the younger generations. It is a toss-up with choosing between catering to the upcoming technologically fashioned generation or catering to the older generation by enforcing simplicity. When opening our sites this is something we need to think about. Branding may also come into play as ad campaigns will only reach certain audiences anyway due to how optimized SEO has become. There may be some customers that will slip through the cracks due to their interests that may not normally fit their age bracket. How should we navigate this ever-changing world of SEO?

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One Response

  1. higginsmr20 says:

    Knowing your audience is a fundamental part of running any business. This was interesting to see how SEO could tie into it.

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