3 Stages of a Google Search

Google Search


Learning the base knowledge of the google search engine and how it analyzes a website will put you ahead of your competition. Taking a look into crawling, indexing, and serving search result will give you good insight into SEO and what you need to do to optimize that process. Knowing these stages is a great way to expand your SEO knowledge.


The first step, crawling, is when the search engine finds out what pages exist and then go on to examine what content is present on each page. The Googlebot download images, text, and videos.


The next step is called indexing, which is when Google tries to get a sense of what your page is about. It will look at text, tags, links, images, and videos. This should drive you to really be thoughtful about each piece of your website. Making your page understandable to users will most likely also make it understandable by Google. So staying user oriented will be your best bet.

Serving Search Results

The first two steps allow the Google search engine to deliver the most relevant results to the searcher when they use Google. This final step is initiated by the search which triggers the SE to review their index and pull up the best pages that match the query. Hundreds of factors go into determining relevancy. The amount of info that Google has to go through is immense, so the speed at which the SERP loads is truly incredible when you think about it.

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4 Responses

  1. RApetschke says:

    this is a good simplified way of showing how Google works. Very helpful resource!

  2. Kyle Hartman says:

    Thanks for laying out the basics in this post. I believe the more content you have on a page, such as pictures and videos, the easier it will be for your page to be seen or rank higher, so long as you follow white hat SEO practices.

  3. gardnerer23 says:

    I like how you clearly explained the 3 stages of a Google search, and highlighted that there are many factors that go into serving/ranking search results!

  4. macarthurfe21 says:

    The basics of Google was so clearly explained in this post and I think this is a very helpful blog post!

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