Why you need to do Keyword Research when creating TikTok’s


TikTok is a platform where users can post and interact with short-form videos of special interest, popular trends, and routines are some of TikTok’s genres within the app’s current algorithm. Users can go “viral” with these said genres using certain hashtags/editing styles and posting trendy at certain times. Trends aren’t popular forever and most likely will die out anywhere from a few weeks to a couple of months at most. Popularity can come from collaborating with other users with more followers than you or from using popular hashtags that are trending right now. TikTok has a page called the “For You Page” or “FYP” and this is where videos will get recommended to you based on your interests and other data that they and others have collected. Click the Button below to see the Trending Hashtags on TikTok right now.

Research is Key

As you can see from the link, there are also more categories of what is trending like, Videos, Creators, and TikTok videos in general. One key way to be working in favor of the algorithm is by putting a popular song with some trending hashtags and post a video like the ones that went vivial and maybe it will be your lucky break to become a slightly larger TikTok creator. As we all know it is a long way to the top and consistency is key but even then that doesn’t always work. Sometimes people or things go viral for different reasons and some make sense and others don’t.

Real World Example

TikTok’s FYP is filled with posts that have viral hashtags like for example #katemiddleton . There was speculation on where the Princess of Whales has been for the past few months and people were weighing in and creating conspiracy theories on where she is or where she went. Lots of creators explotied this trendy hashtag and spread rumors that arent even true about her whereabouts. This is the scary part of the internet, where falsities can be spread without any fact checking and people have become popular creators because of this trend that they weren’t even reporting correctly.

Wrap Up

Becareful when posting on TikTok, make sure you research what trend you are hoping to add content to. Hashtags may be deciening on what they mean or what they are attached to in the first place. Make safe and smart posts and be weary of everything you see on TikTok.

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4 Responses

  1. GleasonMK21 says:

    I appreciate your comments with TikTok! I think that the importance of hashtags is thrown to the side a lot when posting because the majority of the users find them annoying or obnoxious but little do they know that those hashtags are what are helping them receive good content on their for you page.

    • higginsmr20 says:

      It is crazy how valuable tiktok can be for businesses. Using these ways to improve their views would be extremely beneficial.

  2. mlwiley says:

    This is such an interesting post! TikTok is very popular now and it utilizes SEO techniques to get people to see content and get views and likes. Often, we skip over the hashtags but using them is a good way to get people to see relevant content. Even the “For You Page” uses SEO techniques to tailor a page that is specific to its users!

  3. Morrowrb23 says:

    Putting in the extra work and research can help you reach the people that you want to reach. If you are a business, the more views you get will drive more people to your site, which is one of your goals. TikTok can be a valuable resource for many companies…as long as it sticks around.

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