Why Facebook is unattractive to Younger Audiences

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How it is set up?

Facebook is very confusing to younger audiences even though the younger generations are more tech-savvy. Gen X uses Facebook the most out of every generational group. Gen Z, Gen Alpha, and Millenials use Instagram and TikTok primarily. The Facebook setup seems very clunky to me and not user-friendly.


As a Gen Zer, I have been stumped at the use case for Facebook. It has too many buttons and functions for me to use successfully. I almost think Facebook is trying to act like Instagram with the stories at the top of the screen which I like the idea of but never click on them because I am not following the accounts I would typically look at other than Grove City’s. I also like the amount of photos that you can select to have associated with the post. This works well for showing special events like Weddings and Birthdays. This function is nice because families that don’t live close can almost “participate” without actually being present.


As mentioned earlier I think Facebook is very clunky and has too many buttons. For example, the messaging function called Facebook Messenger. I don’t understand why they don’t have a simpler system like Instagram has for sending private messages. Instagram has an in-app function that you can send messages through rather than having to leave Facebook and be sent to a separate app to send messages in Messenger.

Now that the pros and cons have been laid out, do you think Facebook is confusing or is it efficient?

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4 Responses

  1. higginsmr20 says:

    I think this is a very interesting point. I think facebook knows their audience and who they want to tend to.

  2. mlwiley says:

    I like your use of keywords here and I think this is an interesting topic! You knew who your target audience is with this post and you were able to relate to them and how Gen Z feels about the topic. I like that you included pros and cons to see both points of view when using or not using FaceBook.

  3. Riehljb21 says:

    As someone who has used Facebook I can very much agree with this, it has far too much functionality in a very messy and clunky organizational system.

  4. casteelkj20 says:

    I think this is a fun conversation to have. I don’t use Facebook other than Facebook marketplace or if a family member messages me. You have a good point about the complexity of the Facebook app- with Facebook marketplace and Facebook messenger sending you to a different application. One of the biggest pros is that it connects me with my older family members who aren’t active on other social media platforms.

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