Links R’ Us


Links are an essential aspect of SEO. Whether you are using inbound or outbound links, incorporating them in your website will be a good way of increasing your SERP spot and gaining new viewers. Below we will cover the basics of links and why they are so important.

The Basics

Links are a way for users to navigate from one page to another. It could connect you to a different page on the website you are on or a totally different site. Google likes it when other valuable websites are linking to your because it shows them that your website has some authority and good content that others approve.

Professor Sweet

The Value of Links

Having good links on your pages shows trustworthiness and authority. The search engines will reward sites like those who offer valuable content to viewers. Other sites linking to you shows that you are a source that they believe the serve for a greater purpose. Earning links is at the center when it comes to SEO effectiveness.

Rand Fishkin

Best Ways to Earn Links

  • Create great content and promote it a ton
  • Conduct interviews with thought leaders
    • videos and podcast format can add great value
  • Simple ask others to link to your site
  • Create original digital assets
  • Broke link buiklding
    • gaining links from dead pages and adding them to yours
  • Repost and Comment on viral post and videos.
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One Response

  1. welshjp20 says:

    Cool post! The name is creative, playing off of the nostalgia factor of Toys R’ Us. Using the same image at the top of your page as your featured image forces an unnecessary repeat that hurts the post’s flow, but this could be easily fixed by shifting it to the rear of the post as a closer. The use of blue font color is a good way to differentiate quotes and make them stand out, but also has the unwanted and confusing effect of appearing as broken links. The quote of Proff Sweet is a nice tough and might get you some brownie points though 😉 Nice, clear section headings too by the way.

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